Monday, July 28, 2008

#17 Rollyo

Very interesting. I read the info, watched the video, and explored the site. I created a "roll" of my own favorite research sites - My Personal Reference Desk. However, I wasn't able to save the Rollyo site to my, because I am at a different computer and have to validate via email. It has been over an hour and the email has not come.

I also tried emailing a link to myself and tried to link to my search roll. I got this error message: Doh!
We can't find the page you're looking for. If you think it's around here somewhere and you're getting this when you shouldn't be getting this, drop us a line and we'll try to get to the bottom of it.

I was also unable to drag the RollBar to my bookmark bar.

On the whole, Rollyo was a frustrating experience. It does have a lot of potential.....just got to work the bugs out.

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